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New Solution for Improving the National Information Exchange Platform Presented as Part of Transition to "Paperless Government"

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On 8 June 2023, the Innovation and Digital Development Agency held a meeting dedicated to the development of a unified gateway for integrating electronic document circulation systems. Presented to the respective managers of nearly 30 government bodies, a new solution provides unhindered communication between such entities regardless of the Electronic Document Flow (EDF) system they use.


Rashad Khaligov, Deputy Chairman of the Innovation and Digital Development Agency told the participants about the improvement of the National Information Exchange platform and the provision of paperless inter-institutional document flow. He said that the development of the National Information Exchange platform and respective standards will ensure the integration of existing EDFs and a rapid transition to a paperless government.


"Despite using EDF software packages, state bodies still exchange documents in a paper form. Government agencies operate a multitude of electronic document flow systems from different vendors, so they face difficulties in the integration process. The new solution provides a common gateway and document exchange standard to facilitate a fully paperless exchange and integration of solutions from various vendors. It is noteworthy that on 1 June, the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport and the Ministry of Finance successfully completed a pilot project in this direction.


Speaking about the system working principle, Mr Khaligov also touched upon the internationally proven open standards (API etc.):

"This gateway will bring about the rapid electronic exchange of all types of documents between different departments of the government. We have created application programming interfaces (APIs) and standards that allow you to add functionality to any system. The mentioned standards will enable the mutual integration of EDFs in use across government bodies."


At the end of the meeting, the questions of the competent IT management representatives of the institutions were answered and discussions held. 

"We are pleased to welcome the representatives of state bodies to this session and jointly review everything this platform has to offer. I would like to thank both the community and the entire team for their support. Looking into the future, we can say that the National Information Exchange System will keep on developing and offering new functionality and possibilities," said at the end of the event the advisor to Chairman of the Innovation and Digital Development Agency.


It should be noted that the Innovation and Digital Development Agency is continuing discussions with representatives of state institutions within the framework of improving the National Information Exchange.